5 Surprising Facts About the Supply Chain Crisis that will Change Your Life and Business Forever

5 Surprising Facts About the Supply Chain Crisis that will Change Your Life and Business Forever

Family called Voraus X decided to visit a retail shop in Munich and they’ll take us through the challenges businesses are facing specifically with the supply chain crisis and semiconductor shortage with examples from Deutschland

Start Building Human-Centric Machine Learning Solutions Now With our New UC Berkeley Course

Start Building Human-Centric Machine Learning Solutions Now With our New UC Berkeley Course

Rebaie Analytics Group has been leading in its research of AI + I combining artificial intelligence and social sciences. We are glad to announce our President Ali Rebaie’s course at the University of California – UC Berkeley Global is now available online!

On The Edge: Smart Factories of The Future

On The Edge: Smart Factories of The Future

Today’s data economy depends on the data generated by people, and increasingly by the devices, appliances, and machines that make up the IoT. Data is enabling the granular targeting of people’s affinities, so people are expecting more personalized products. Although apps are smart, emerging robots and virtual assistants will take personalization to the next level, dramatically changing the consumer’s mindset. To meet the needs of this new consumer, manufacturing will need to design products that are intelligent, personalized, customized, connected, and also cheap.